Liver Function Test: When Is It Prescribed?
The liver is one of the most vital organs of the body and is responsible for a variety of functions, including regulating metabolism, filtering out toxins, and breaking down fats. A liver function test is usually recommended by the doctor to check the functionality and to learn about liver inflammation and the overall health of the liver. Other than this, the doctor also recommends this test to check the efficacy of the ongoing liver treatment and observe any side effects that may occur due to medication. This series of tests are also used to detect any liver disease that the person may have, such as Celiac disease, cirrhosis, or hepatitis. During a liver function test, the enzyme level in the blood is checked to find out about the possibility of liver problems.
Oftentimes, the medical practitioner may recommend a liver function test as a part of a regular health check-up if the patient has any medical history or if they are at high risk of liver disease.

Risk Factors for Developing liver Disease
Medical history of IV drug use
Family history
Regular alcohol consumption
Chronic fatigue
Change in urine colour
Stomach ache
Vomiting and nausea
Lack of appetite
Some of the Common Liver Function Tests
Alanine transaminase
Aspartate transaminase
Alkaline phosphatase
Bilirubin test
Liver Function Test during Pregnancy
A liver function test is conducted during pregnancy to ensure that the mother does not have any liver disorders due to changes in the body. Many times, underlying liver diseases surface at the time of pregnancy and can affect the health of the mother and the child. This is why doctors recommend this test during pregnancy at regular intervals. The doctor analyses the liver function test (LFT) result, whether it is in the normal range or not.
Some of the best laboratories have experienced lab technicians and advanced medical technology that ensure that the LFT test is performed accurately. One can book a liver function test (LFT) at these laboratories at affordable prices and get a reliable test report.